Sunday 24 February 2013

The broken Kite

The broken kite
Unleashed from little hands,
The broken kite soared high.
High up in the sky,
Where no one could reach it.

With bright vibrant colour’s,
The kite was guided by the winds,
Where a whole new world awaited,
Untouched by evil.

After a long time,
The kite tasted freedom,
And savored it.
It savored each moment,
Of it’s now new life.

It could now fly like it wished,
Not be someone’s puppet!
This was his present, to be free……
That was his past, to be caged.
And it went towards its future,
Unknown to what lies ahead.

But it had to come down someday,
It had to fall
Because the winds grew jealous,
Of the broken kite happiness.

So the winds grew strong,
Overcome by envy,
And pierced through the kites heart.
Silencing it forever……

But the story does not end here my friend,
For every story has a happy end.
The kite twirled and danced in pain and fell on a little boy’s roof,
Awaiting it’s end.

The little boy mended it and made the kite new again,
And now, with bright vibrant colours,
The broken kite flew again.

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