Wednesday 27 March 2013

Free at last!

Hey everyone! I am sorry I couldn't write anything in the past few weeks but there is valid reason for it. Actually my exams got over recently and during the exams in fact much before that, my mum restricted me from any entertainment. The only repent I could have from my exams was to listen music. The exams went well. Maths was ok ok then Social studies was awesome!(actually it is my favorite subject so..:) ) after that English was awesome too followed by Hindi which also went awesome and the most scary subject of all ( after maths) ie; science went surprisingly good. And after so many days of tension and stress, now I am free.
I started reading Eragon which turned out to be a good page turner. My sister came home yesterday and I feel AWESOME!


  1. Oh Eragon !! You being an avid reader, this is something not really surprisingly, but I am glad you are actually liking Eragon :)

    1. If you like fiction and of the fantasy sort then why not Eragon? I know it is a bit of a drag in between but if you start reading it once then you will come to like the book. It is a bit childish with Dragon's and dragon riders but you have to agree to the fact that the book transports you to a different world altogether. It really is an escape from reality for me. Believe it or not. :)
