Saturday 30 March 2013

Walking on India's streets

Walking on India’s streets,
I look all around,
I see a baby crying,
And his mother begging around.

Walking on India’s streets,
I see a man too, spit on our heritage,
With no shame reflecting upon his face.

Walking on India’s streets,
I see a man murdered,
And people who saw it,
Went away and surrendered, to silence.

Walking on India’s streets,
I see a women become victim of eve tease,
And quietly get seized.

But then again, walking on India’s streets,
I see people unite,
Because now, tonight,
People will stand up and fight.
Listen to Mothers call,
People, do not fall
Get up ‘ cause it’s our fight,
Fight for our right’s.
And now, I am proud, proud to be an Indian.
And to be walking on India’s streets.

My first metro ride

Hey ya'll, HA HA. Something surprising happened with me today. I had a metro ride today....... it was sooooooo fun. It was like first we were up and the next moment we were down. We went from Nehru place to Jhandewallan. Superrrrrrr fun. 

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Pictures that speak!

I absolutely love the pictures my sister takes. here's one. It was raining in Delhi and we sisters love to sit at home and sip coffee with the rain falling gently in our veranda, she had the camera with her and she just suddenly asked me to put my hand in the rain in a cup form. I did and the picture came out to be beautiful.

this is another one which i love. I'll be posting some other pics too. Till then goodnight.

I am free.....

As I move from darkness, towards your light,
My mind gets enlightened by your knowledge.
My body gets purified by your scent.
I take your vision as mine.
Your taste and smell, my taste and smell.
I am surrendered by your power,
And I see you in me and me in you......

Free at last!

Hey everyone! I am sorry I couldn't write anything in the past few weeks but there is valid reason for it. Actually my exams got over recently and during the exams in fact much before that, my mum restricted me from any entertainment. The only repent I could have from my exams was to listen music. The exams went well. Maths was ok ok then Social studies was awesome!(actually it is my favorite subject so..:) ) after that English was awesome too followed by Hindi which also went awesome and the most scary subject of all ( after maths) ie; science went surprisingly good. And after so many days of tension and stress, now I am free.
I started reading Eragon which turned out to be a good page turner. My sister came home yesterday and I feel AWESOME!