Saturday 30 March 2013

Walking on India's streets

Walking on India’s streets,
I look all around,
I see a baby crying,
And his mother begging around.

Walking on India’s streets,
I see a man too, spit on our heritage,
With no shame reflecting upon his face.

Walking on India’s streets,
I see a man murdered,
And people who saw it,
Went away and surrendered, to silence.

Walking on India’s streets,
I see a women become victim of eve tease,
And quietly get seized.

But then again, walking on India’s streets,
I see people unite,
Because now, tonight,
People will stand up and fight.
Listen to Mothers call,
People, do not fall
Get up ‘ cause it’s our fight,
Fight for our right’s.
And now, I am proud, proud to be an Indian.
And to be walking on India’s streets.

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