Saturday 20 April 2013

An apology letter

Hello everyone and terribly sorry. Sorry I could not write in the past week. I was on a pretty tight schedule with the school opening and all, homework's then my theater workshop. It was tiring and by the end of the day, I would just fall on my bed longing for a deep good night's sleep. I have finished reading Eragon, it was a nice book and I am on to it's next part which is Eldest. Oh! and also I am sorry for the mistakes I have made in the short story. I know there are many and it's just full of them.
I am also deeply saddened by the bombings that occurred in Boston and Bangalore . May everyone get well soon and those who lost their lives in this unfortunate massacre, may you rest in peace. To all those who lost their dear one's, may god be with you. And, don't lose hope, because somewhere inside you your heart is still throbbing with that pain and you have to give it it's justice.

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