Monday 8 April 2013

Tryst with friendship (extended)

As Abhirup finished his bread sticks and soup, he looked over to Aaban who was still sipping his soup. Abhirup did not want to disturb his stranger friend from enjoying his soup but curiousness clung to his heart and mind like a child clinging on a high branch of the tree, afraid he might fall. So, he asked him anyway, " Where do you live in Delhi?". Aaban looked up at Abhirup's inquisitive eyes. he had thought that Abhirup might stop asking questions after having the soup but alas he had not. He longed to read the new book he had bought waiting for the train at the station but it seemed that maybe he was not destined to read it in the train. Wearily he answered Abhirup anyway, " Kalkaji."."No way. I live in C.R Park. We live quite close to each other. Aaban, I think Destiny had planned our meeting here on the train, Ha! Ha! Ha!", said Abhirup after which he laughed hysterically. 'Destiny, Of course.', thought Aaban. Throughout the train ride they chatted. From family to cricket, from cricket to politics, from politics to film industries, from film industries to daily soaps, from daily soaps to...... and the chat went on and on like two travelers on a never ending road. Suddenly a man wearing a red uniform came into the birth. He asked them as to whether they would have non veg or veg for dinner. Abhirup asked for a non veg meal while Aaban asked for a veg meal. Soon the ticket teller came into their birth for checking their tickets. After he went away Abhirup was going to ask Aaban something when he interrupted, " I don't feel like having meat. I think I am having train sickness." Abhirup asked nothing more. Soon their meal arrived and they ate their fill. After both of them had relieved them from the washroom, they started getting their bed ready to retire for the night. As Abhirup got under his sheets and blankets he looked Aaban who was taking out something from his side bag sitting on his bed. " Thank you for keeping a watch on my bags while I was away. Also thank you for chatting with me. Hope I didn't bore you?", Abhirup said, slowly. " Oh, please don't thank me. It was a pleasure chatting with you. And by the way, even you kept a watchful eye on my bags didn't you?", said Aaban smiling. Abhirup smiled back and said, " You know Aaban, you are a good person.". Saying this he retired for the night leaving Aaban confused.
Aaban had started reading the book which was a good page turner but in the middle somewhere he fell asleep. Suddenly the train jerked with a full force making Aaban fall out of his bed with a loud thud which woke up Abhirup. There was an uneasy calmness that surrounded them. Before Abhirup could help Aaban to his feet, the train made a piercing and irritating noise. It tilted up to 90 degrees and everything went blank.
( Keep reading.......)

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