Sunday 7 April 2013

Tryst with friendship (cont....)

The plump man got in the birth and put his blue Adidas round rucksack on the seat while pushing his black Skybag underneath the blue seat. He then sat on the opposite seat of Aaban's with a thump, like a sack being thrown on the seat. He took out a blue and white handkerchief from his pocket and started wiping his face after which he spread the sweat soaked handkerchief on his lap. His gaze then slowly turned, as if in a dream, to the stranger sitting opposite him who was staring out of the window as if a poet at a loss of words. He the raised his voice a bit and asked," it is a hot day isn't it?". Aaban looked at him and said," yes, it sure is". " Hi! I am Abhirup, Abhirup Roy. You are?" Abhirup extended his hand in the gesture of a handshake." Oh Hi! I am Aaban Khan", Aaban shook it warmly. " Pleased to meet you Mr Khan.", " Please just call me Aaban.". Abhirup smiled. The train jerked and the started. " So, where are you headed to Mr Kh- I mean Aaban?", Abhirup asked. " Kolkata.", Aaban looked down but tried not to let Abhirup notice his sadness. " Oh! I am going to Kolkata too. I am going to attend my Niece's wedding. What is taking you to Kolkata? Got a wedding to attend too eh?" Abhirup broke into a laugh. " Um, no", Aaban turned towards the window. " Oh! and what business are you in Aaban?". " I work with the reliance company.", Aaban said." Oh! you mean Ambani's company? you work under him?", Abhirup's eyes widened. " No, no the Reliance company has many branches it is not necessary that I work under him.", Aaban said, hiding a smile. " Oh yes Of course, silly me". The soup came in after a few minutes with bread sticks and butter. Sipping the hot tomato soup, both of them stared out of the window. Unknown to what lied ahead.
(to be continued again.....)

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