Saturday 20 April 2013

The fight.

The mirror of truth and evil,
Does not let us live in this conservative society.
Eyes peeping through the walls,
Watching us silently.

We cannot dance,
To the music of our own drums.
Invisible hands cover our ears,
For it is a sin for them.

Never the less some try to survive,
Try to ignore the staring eyes,
But for how long?
How long can you sing your song?
Knowing that soon it will be buried.

Then a lone brave stands,
Breaking her chains with hands,
To fight against all odds,
 To ignite the flame lurking in her heart.

She wanted to burn the eyes that see,
Wanted to cut those hands of he,
Wanted to raise her voice against,
Before it was suppressed .

But they knew not the spark it had brought,
That turned the flame into a fire,
Burning in the hearts of people.

For her they could see the light.
For her they could go ahead fight.
For her the eyes vanished out of sight.

I salute you, the goddess of power,
Who is in every woman,
And bow my head in respect.
You are the strength of us,
You made us unite,
To fight against the evil eyes.

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