Tuesday 2 April 2013

Who are you?

My mind says that you are a soul...
Yet, I don’t want to believe it.
I want to believe you are there,
Watching over us.

Or am I wrong?
Is it that we put our faith in you foolishly?
Our trust in you blindly?
Our hopes in you for nothing?

Do you have flesh and warm blood running  in your veins,
Do you know a man’s heart?
His pains, miseries, sorrows, happiness...
Or are you just expert hands,
Making your puppets,
To see them perform on your stage.

Is it that we stare at your eyes blankly?
Or do they say something we don’t understand?
Or try to understand.
Then explain it to us!
Surely but calmly we will come to know....
What is it that pains you so much?

We share our thoughts, our deep fears, our lost dreams...
Are you listening?
Are you there?

You have saved us for in the past, then why not now?
Why do children be orphaned?
And men and women widowed?
Why do our prayers be unheard when you are there .

I want to believe you,
I want to believe in the good in and around us,
But I won’t be able unless I know......

Who are you Oh lord?
A mystery to be unveiled,
Or a secret...never to be disclosed.